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更新于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
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kops is a command line tool for creating and managing high-availability production Kubernetes clusters. kops has become our go-to tool to self-manage Kubernetes clusters on AWS, not the least because of its rapidly growing open source community. It also supports installing, upgrading and managing Kubernetes clusters on Google Cloud. Our experience with kops on Google, however, is very limited because of our preference for GKE, the managed Kubernetes offering. We recommend using kops in reusable scripts to create infrastructure as code. We're interested to see how kops continues to evolve to support managed Kubernetes clusters such as EKS, Amazon's own managed Kubernetes service.

Nov 2017
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kops is a command line tool for creating and managing high-availability production Kubernetes clusters. Initially targeting AWS, it now has experimental support for other providers. It can get you up and running fast, and even though a few features (such as rolling upgrades) have yet to be fully developed, we've been impressed by the community.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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