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更新于 : Jul 30, 2011
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Jul 2011
Trial ?
NoSQL technologies are maturing daily, allowing for innovative solutions as businesses need to scale massively or ask intelligent questions of existing data. Technologies like MongoDB, Riak, Neo4J, Cassandra and many others are helping power the NoSQL space.
Jan 2011
Trial ?
NoSQL is about scale, massive datasets, cloud data, social network data, data in buckets, data in graphs i.e. a range of use cases for which “traditional” SQL databases may not be the optimal choice. Unravelling NoSQL and trying to explain what it is and why you should or should not be interested in it is difficult as the term covers a wide range of technologies, data architectures and priorities and represents as much a movement or a school of thought as it does any particular technology. Types of NoSQL technologies include key-value, column and object stores as well as document, graph and XML databases.
Aug 2010
Trial ?
Apr 2010
Assess ?
发布于 : Apr 29, 2010

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