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发布于 : Nov 14, 2018
这一条目不在当前版本的技术雷达中。如果它出现在最近几期中,那么它很有可能仍然具有相关参考价值。如果这一条目出现在更早的雷达中,那么它很有可能已经不再具有相关性,我们的评估将不再适用于当下。很遗憾我们没有足够的带宽来持续评估以往的雷达内容。 了解更多
Nov 2018
Trial ?

Prettier is an opinionated, automated code formatter for JavaScript (with growing support for other languages). By enforcing its own opinionated formatting style it increases consistency and readability and reduces developer effort both on formatting and engaging in wasteful team debates about code style. Even though you may disagree with the stylistic choices enforced by Prettier, we find that the benefits to the team generally outweigh small style issues. Prettier can be used with a precommit hook or an IDE plugin. As with any formatter, a one-time reformatting of your codebase can confuse your version control history, but we feel that's a minor drawback. We particularly like the way Prettier flips the linter-based approach and, borrowing from gofmt, instead of validating your code, it ensures that your code will always be valid.

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