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更新于 : Jan 31, 2011
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Jan 2011
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The hypermedia constraint from REST is now understood as critical in sharing business protocols over the Web. Unfortunately many frameworks for building computer to- computer systems on the Web are ignorant of this constraint and tend towards simple CRUD systems. Restfulie is the first of a new generation of frameworks that natively support hypermedia, for Ruby, Java, and .NET. In Restfulie, business protocols are implemented using DSLs and exposed across the Web through hypermedia representations; clients drive those protocols through a similar declarative mechanism, consuming server-generated representations as they work towards a business goal. As the fi rst framework of its kind, Restfulie is opinionated and provides strict “training wheels” in order to bootstrap newcomers. However, it is an empirical proof that the Web and hypermedia can be used to orchestrate complex business activities.
Aug 2010
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Apr 2010
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发布于 : Apr 29, 2010

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