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更新于 : May 19, 2020
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May 2020
Trial ?

ScoutSuite 是基于 Scout2(在2018年技术雷达上出现过)的一个增强版工具,提供跨AWSAzureGCP和其他云提供商的安全状态评估。它的工作原理是自动聚合环境的配置数据,并应用规则对环境进行审计。我们已经在多个项目中发现它对即时安全评估非常有用。

May 2018
Assess ?

Scout2 is a security auditing tool for AWS environments. Instead of manually navigating through web pages, you can rely on Scout2 to fetch all the configuration data of an AWS environment for you; it even generates an attack surface report. Scout2 ships with preconfigured rules and can be easily extended to support more services and test cases. Since Scout2 only performs AWS API calls to fetch configuration data and identify security gaps, it is not necessary to complete and submit the AWS Vulnerability / Penetration Testing Request Form.

发布于 : May 15, 2018

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