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Apr 2021
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Oct 2020
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Sentry 是一款跨平台应用监控工具,并聚焦在错误报告。像 Sentry 这样的工具,区分像 ELK Stack 那样传统的日志解决方案之处在于,它们重点关注发现、研究以及修复错误上。Sentry 已经面世有一阵子了,它支持多个语言和框架。我们在许多项目中使用过 Sentry,它在跟踪错误、发现某个提交是否真实修复了问题、以及警告我们有没有出现回归问题等方面帮助很大。

May 2018
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Sentry is an error-tracking tool that helps monitor and fix errors in real time. Error tracking and management tools such as Sentry distinguish themselves from traditional logging solutions such as the ELK Stack in their focus on discovering, investigating and fixing errors. Sentry has been around for some time and is quite popular — error-tracking tools are increasingly useful with the current focus on "mean time to recovery". Sentry — with its integration options with Github, Hipchat, Heroku, Slack, among other platforms — enables us to keep a close eye on our apps. It can provide error notifications following a release, enable us to track whether new commits actually fix the issue and alert us if an issue comes back due to a regression.

发布于 : May 15, 2018

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