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UI dev environments

更新于 : Apr 24, 2019
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Apr 2019
Adopt ?

As more and more teams embrace DesignOps, practices and tooling in this space mature. UI dev environments provide a comprehensive environment for quickly iterating on UI components, focusing on collaboration between user experience designers and developers. We now have a few options in this space: Storybook, React Styleguidist, Compositor and MDX. You can use these tools standalone in component library or design system development as well as embedded in a web application project. Many teams were able to decrease their UI feedback cycles and improve timing of UI work in preparation for development work, which has made using UI dev environments a reasonable default for us.

Nov 2018
Trial ?

As more and more teams embrace DesignOps, practices and tooling in this space mature, too. Many of our teams now work with what could be called UI dev environments , which provide a comprehensive environment for quickly iterating on UI components, focusing on collaboration between user experience designers and developers. We now have a few options in this space: Storybook, react-styleguidist, Compositor and MDX. You can use these tools standalone in component library or design system development as well as embedded in a web application project. Rather than spinning up the app, plus a BFF, plus services simply to add a feature to a component, you can start up the Storybook dev server instead.

发布于 : Nov 14, 2018

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