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Visual Studio Code

更新于 : Nov 14, 2018
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Nov 2018
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Visual Studio Code is Microsoft's free IDE editor, available across platforms. We've had good experience using this for front-end development using React and TypeScript, and back-end languages such as GoLang, without having to switch between different editors. The tooling, language support and extensions for Visual Studio Code continue to soar and get better. We'd particularly like to call out Visual Studio Live Share for real-time collaboration and remote pairing. While complex projects in statically typed languages, such as Java, .NET or C++, will likely find better support from the more mature IDEs from Microsoft or Jetbrains, we find that Visual Studio Code is increasingly becoming a tool of choice among infrastructure and front-end development teams.

Nov 2015
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Visual Studio Code is Microsoft’s free IDE editor, available across platforms. We find the version-control integration with Git very beneficial to promoting continuous integration practices. Visual Studio Code also provides a means of integrating with external tools via tasks, with autodetection of grunt/gulp tasks eliminating the need for running grunt/gulp tasks via terminals and simply using the editor. With the growth of the Docker ecosystem, this IDE offers support for the dockerfile with snippets and definitions of valid commands.

发布于 : Nov 10, 2015

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