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Visual Studio Live Share

更新于 : May 19, 2020
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May 2020
Trial ?

Visual Studio Live Share 是用于 Visual Studio Code 及 Visual Studio 的扩展套件。如果你的团队正在寻找一种良好的远程协作方式,可以考虑这款出色的工具。Live Share 提供了良好的、低延迟的远程结对体验,并且所需的带宽比粗暴地共享整个桌面要少得多。更重要的是,开发人员可以在结对过程中使用他们各自的配置、扩展和快捷键。Live Share 不仅支持编辑、调试代码的实时协作,还支持语音呼叫,以及共享终端和服务器。

Nov 2018
Trial ?

Visual Studio Live Share is a suite of extensions for Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio. The real-time collaboration for editing and debugging of code, voice calls, sharing a terminal and exposing local ports have reduced some of the obstacles we'd otherwise encounter when pairing remotely. In particular, we like that Live Share allows developers to collaborate with each other, while continuing to use their preconfigured editor, which includes themes, key maps and extensions.

发布于 : Nov 14, 2018

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