Published : Nov 14, 2018
This blip is not on the current edition of the Radar. If it was on one of the last few editions, it is likely that it is still relevant. If the blip is older, it might no longer be relevant and our assessment might be different today. Unfortunately, we simply don't have the bandwidth to continuously review blips from previous editions of the Radar.
Understand more
Nov 2018
When it comes to large-scale data analysis or machine intelligence problems, being able to reproduce different versions of analysis done on different data sets and parameters is immensely valuable. To achieve reproducible analysis, both the data and the model (including algorithm choice, parameters and hyperparameters) need to be version controlled. Versioning data for reproducible analytics is a relatively trickier problem than versioning models because of the data size. Tools such as DVC help in versioning data by allowing users to commit and push data files to a remote cloud storage bucket using a git-like workflow. This makes it easy for collaborators to pull a specific version of data to reproduce an analysis.