Jaeger is an open source distributed tracing system. Similar to Zipkin, it's been inspired by the Google Dapper paper and complies with OpenTelemetry. We've used Jaeger successfully with Istio and Envoy on Kubernetes and like its UI. Jaeger exposes tracing metrics in the Prometheus format so they can be made available to other tools. However, a new generation of tools such as Honeycomb integrates traces and metrics into a single observability stream for simpler aggregate analysis. Jaeger joined CNCF in 2017 and has recently been elevated to CNCF's highest level of maturity, indicating its widespread deployment into production systems.
Jaeger is an open source distributed tracing system. Similar to Zipkin, it's been inspired by the Google Dapper paper and complies with OpenTracing. Jaeger is a younger open source project than Zipkin, but it's gained popularity quickly due to a larger number of supported languages for the client libraries and easy installation on Kubernetes. We've used Jaeger successfully with Istio, integrating application traces with Envoy on Kubernetes, and like its UI. With Jaeger joining CNCF, we anticipate a larger community engagement effort and deeper integration with other CNCF projects.