Name: Pee Tankulrat
Pronouns: He/Him
Role/Title: Senior Consultant, Data Engineer
Describe your experience so far at Thoughtworks in one or two words: Empowerment, freedom
What does your job involve?
As a Data Service Line member, my job is to help Thoughtworks drive differentiation against our competitors, drive profitable growth in Data engagements, build Data Capabilities and help curate Data knowledge so that Thoughtworks can be seen as a thought leader in Data and AI
What is the most rewarding aspect of what you do?
Creating impact for people by inspiring on what can be, so that they can see the possibility of a better future. This happens with most DEISSC engagements that we are actively participating in and through our talks both internally and externally.
We’d love to hear about your career journey. Can you talk about what led you to Thoughtworks and your decision to join Thoughtworks?
I began my career in the financial regulatory sector, where I often leverage Thoughtworks’ Tech Radar as a reference for our tech stack and techniques. Then, I found myself shifting into the startup space and worked as a tech lead. On a fateful day, I received a call from Thoughtworks and heard about the ways of working and Thoughtworks value so I jumped ship and have never been happier!
What has been your favorite part of your Thoughtworks career to date?
The all you can learn and grow support I receive from Thoughtworks is unparalleled. The feedback culture that integrates the shift left philosophy into our way of working ensures that we are constantly learning and growing.
What advice would you give to anyone thinking of joining Thoughtworks?
If you’re considering it, then do not hesitate to join us. At the very least, our interview process will surely provide you with some feedback that will be beneficial for your growth. If you are qualified then, you’ll be joining like minded individuals who are aspiring to learn and grow along with you.
Anything else that you wanted to add about your Thoughtworks journey?
Continuous learning and development through the feedback culture and robust community support or help shaping the world to be a better place through DEISSC initiatives. If these align with your interests, then there’s no better place to be in than Thoughtworks.