El lanzamiento de aplicaciones para iOS implica un paso de firma de código. Aunque compatible con las herramientas de Apple, este proceso puede ser engorroso, propenso a errores y lleno de sorpresas. Nos complace informar que fastlane, es ya, nuestra herramienta de elección para automatizar el proceso de lanzamiento de aplicaciones móviles, pues proporciona una mejor solución: match está integrado en el fluido proceso de fastlane e implementa un nuevo enfoque para administrar la firma de código para los equipos. En lugar de almacenar las claves de firma en el keychain del macOS del desarrollador, la estrategia predeterminada; la nueva estrategia gira en torno al almacenamiento de las claves y los certificados en un repositorio de Git. Esto no solo facilita la incorporación de nuevos miembros al equipo y la configuración de nuevas máquinas de desarrollo; en nuestra experiencia, también es el método más fácil de integrar la firma de código en los pipelines de entrega continua.
Web application developers have it easy when it comes to simplifying and automating diverse application workflows; they can choose from a variety of solutions to help automate release processes. When developing for mobile, however, we're dealing with two operating systems with two different ways of building, testing, distribution, generating screenshots, signing and distributing applications. To help ease the pain, our teams have adopted fastlane as the go-to tool to automate the release process for iOS and Android applications. Using simple configurations and multiple pipelines, they can achieve continuous delivery for mobile development.
Web application developers have it easy when it comes to simplifying and automating diverse application workflows; they can choose from a variety of solutions to help automate release processes. When developing for mobile, however, we're dealing with two operating systems with two different ways of building, testing, distribution, generating screenshots, signing and distributing applications. To help ease the pain, our teams have adopted fastlane as the go-to tool to automate the release process for iOS and Android applications. Using simple configurations and multiple pipelines, they can achieve continuous delivery for mobile development.
fastlane is our go-to tool for automating most of the boring activities involved in getting iOS and Android mobile apps built, tested, documented and provisioned. Simple configuration, a range of tooling and multiple pipelines make this a key ingredient in doing continuous delivery for mobile.