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Última actualización : Mar 29, 2017
Este blip no está en la edición actual del Radar. Si ha aparecido en una de las últimas ediciones, es probable que siga siendo relevante. Si es más antiguo, es posible que ya no sea relevante y que nuestra valoración sea diferente hoy en día. Desgraciadamente, no tenemos el ancho de banda necesario para revisar continuamente los anuncios de ediciones anteriores del Radar. Entender más
Mar 2017
Trial ?

Having a way to securely manage secrets is increasingly becoming a huge project issue. The old practice of keeping secrets in a file or in environment variables is becoming hard to manage, especially in environments with multiple applications and large numbers of microservices. HashiCorp Vault addresses the problem by providing mechanisms for securely accessing secrets through a unified interface. It has served us well on a number of projects, and our teams liked how easy it was to integrate Vault with their services. Storing and updating secrets is a bit cumbersome, because it relies on a command-line tool and a fair amount of discipline from the team.

Nov 2016
Trial ?

Having a way to securely manage secrets is increasingly becoming a huge project issue. The old practice of keeping secrets in a file or in environment variables is becoming hard to manage, especially in environments with multiple applications and large numbers of microservices. HashiCorp Vault addresses the problem by providing mechanisms for securely accessing secrets through a unified interface. It has served us well on a number of projects, and our teams liked how easy it was to integrate Vault with their services. Storing and updating secrets is a bit cumbersome, because it relies on a command-line tool and a fair amount of discipline from the team.

Apr 2016
Assess ?

Having a way to securely manage secrets is increasingly becoming a huge project issue. The old idea of just having a file with secrets or environment variables is becoming hard to manage, especially in environments with multiple applications like microservices or microcontainer environments, where the applications need to access a multitude of secrets. HashiCorp Vault is a promising tool that tries to solve the problem by providing mechanisms for securely accessing secrets through an unified interface. It has some features that make life easier, such as encryption and automatically generating secrets for known tools, among others.

Publicado : Apr 05, 2016

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