Our technology podcast plunges deep into the latest tech topics that have captured our imagination.
Join our panel of senior technologists to explore the most important trends in tech today. Get frontline insights into our work developing cutting-edge technology and hear more about how today’s tech megatrends will impact you.
All episodes
Episode name
How fitness functions can help us govern and measure AI
Architecture as code
Decoding DeepSeek
AI testing, benchmarks and evals
Exploring the intersections of software architecture
Who should make software architecture decisions?
Generative AI's uncanny valley: Problem or opportunity?
Using generative AI for legacy modernization
Data contracts: What are they and why do they matter?
Themes from Technology Radar Vol.31
Build Your Own Radar: Using the Technology Radar as a governance tool
Exploring DuckDB: A relational database built for online analytical processing
Software service granularity: Getting it right
Measuring developer experience
How can AI support designers?
Sensible defaults: A way to think about our technology practices
Tracking technology stacks, practices and experiences across teams
Inside Bahmni: An open-source digital public good
How to assess your organization's security maturity
Continuous delivery vs. continuous deployment: What should be the default?
Themes from Technology Radar Vol.30
Building at the intersection of machine learning and software engineering
Refactoring with AI
How to measure your cloud carbon footprint
Technology through the Looking Glass: Preparing for 2024 and beyond
Diving head first into software architecture
Exploring the building blocks of distributed systems
Software-defined vehicles: The future of the automotive industry?
Beyond the DORA metrics: Measuring engineering excellence
Asynchronous collaboration: Getting it right
Looking back at key themes across technology in 2023
Leveraging generative AI at Bosch
Jugalbandi: Building with AI for social impact
AI-assisted coding: Experiences and perspectives
What's it like to maintain an award-winning open source tool?
Engineering platforms and golden paths: Building better developer experiences
Managing cost efficiency at scale-ups
Exploring SQL and ETL
Driving innovation in radio astronomy
XR with impact: Building experiences that drive business value
Leadership styles in technology teams
Making design matter in technology organizations
Generative AI and the future of knowledge work
Scaling mobile delivery
Making privacy a first-class citizen in data science
Multi-cloud: Exploring the challenges and opportunities
Scaling up at Etsy
TinyML: Bringing machine learning to the edge
The weaponization of complexity
How we put together the Technology Radar
Inside India's Drug Discovery Hackathon
Serverless in 2023
My Thoughtworks journey: Rebecca Parsons
How to tackle friction between product and engineering in scale-ups
6 key technology trends for 2023
Tackling system complexity with domain-driven design
Shifting left on accessibility
Data Mesh revisited
Low-code/no-code platforms: The 10% trap and the limits of abstractions
Welcome to the fediverse: Exploring Mastodon, ActivityPub and beyond [Special]
Rethinking software governance: Reflecting on the second edition of Building Evolutionary Architectures
Reckoning with the force of Conway's Law
Exploring the Basal Cost of software
Why full-stack testing matters
Acknowledging and addressing technical debt in startups and scale-ups
XR in practice: the engineering challenges of extending reality
Agent-based modelling for epidemiology: EpiRust and BharatSim
Mastering architectural metrics
Building a culture of innovation
Starting out with sensible default practices
Better testing through mutations
Patterns of legacy displacement — Part two
Patterns of legacy displacement — Part one
Mitigating cognitive bias when coding
Following an usual career path: from dev to CEO
Software engineering with Dave Farley
Tackling bottlenecks at scale-ups
Coding lessons from the pandemic
Is there ever a good time for a code freeze?
Navigating the perils of multicloud
Compliance as a product
The big five tech trends for 2022
Fluent Python revisited
Creating a developer platform for a networked-enabled organization
The art of Lean inceptions
The hard parts of data architecture
TDD for today
You can't buy integration
The rise of NoSQL
The hard parts of software architecture
Machine learning in the wild
Delivering innovation at scale
Jim Highsmith: a 54-year agile journey
Securing the software supply chain
Making retrospectives effective — and fun
Patterns of distributed systems
Refactoring databases — or evolutionary database design
Making developer effectiveness a reality
Team topologies and effective software delivery
How green is your cloud?
Green software engineering
Twenty years of agile
Talking with tech leads with Pat Kua
My Thoughtworks Journey: Patricia Mandarino
Exploring infrastructure as code
XR in the enterprise
Getting to grips with data visualization
Computational notebooks: the benefits and pitfalls
The architect elevator
The future of Clojure
The future of digital trust
Integration challenges in an ERP-heavy world — Pt 2
Democratizing programming
Integration challenges in an ERP-heavy world
Models of open sourcing software
Applying software engineering practices to data science
Using visualization tools to understand large polyglot code bases
Machine learning in astrophysics
Programming languages geek out
Observability does not equal monitoring
Working with 50% of code in the browser
Realising the full potential of CD
Testing the user journey
Continuous delivery in the wild
Lessons from a remote Tech Radar
The future of Python
A sensible approach to multi-cloud
Digital transformation: a tech perspective
IT delivery in unusual circumstances
Continuous delivery for today's enterprise
Fundamentals of Software Architecture
Cloud migration — part two
The price of reuse
Towards self-serve infrastructure
Martin Fowler: my Thoughtworks journey
Building an autonomous drone
Cloud migration is a journey not a destination
Getting to grips with functional programming
Compliance as code
Data meshes: a distributed domain-oriented data platform
Edge — a guide to value-driven digital transformation
Tech choices: CIO or CTO?
Microservices as complex adaptive systems
Supporting the Citizen Developer
Getting hands-on with RESTful web services
Zhong Tai: innovation in enterprise platforms from China
What’s so cool about micro frontends?
Unravelling the monoglot monopoly
Breaking down the barriers to innovation
Delivering strategic architectural transformation
Exploring programming languages via paradigms vs labels
Multicloud in a regulated environment
Can DevSecOps help secure the enterprise?
A11Y — Making web accessibility easier
Continuous delivery for modern architectures
Delivering developer value through platform thinking
Architectural governance: rethinking the Department of ‘No’
Serendipitous Events
Diving into serverless architecture
Seismic Shifts
Understanding bias in algorithmic systems
Microservices: The State of the Art
Evolving Interactions
The state of API design
How we build the Tech Radar
IoT Hardware
Continuous Intelligence
Distributed systems antipatterns
Agile Data Science