Since we last mentioned Camunda, we've seen many of our teams and clients use the platform, making it one of our preferred workflow engines in cases where a workflow engine is a good fit for the domain. Camunda offers workflow and decision engines that can be integrated as a library in your Java code. This makes it easy to test, version and refactor workflows, alleviating some of the downsides of other more low-code workflow engines. We've even seen Camunda used in environments with high performance requirements. Teams also like how easy it is to integrate with Spring Boot and its nice user interface.
We tend to be quite skeptical of business process model and notation (BPMN) tools in general as they're often associated with low-code environments and their downsides. Although the OSS BPMN framework Camunda provides some of this whizziness, it also offers workflow and decision engines that can be directly integrated as a library in your Java code. This makes it easy to test, version and refactor workflows. Camunda also integrates with Spring and Spring Boot, among other frameworks, making it a solid choice.