For some time now we've recommended that delivery teams take ownership of their entire stack, including infrastructure. This means increased responsibility in the delivery team itself for configuring the infrastructure in a safe, secure and compliant way. When adopting cloud strategies, most organizations default to a tightly locked-down and centrally managed configuration to reduce risk, but this also creates substantial productivity bottlenecks. An alternative approach is to allow teams to manage their own configuration and use an infrastructure configuration scanner to ensure the configuration is safe and secure. Options include open-source scanners such as prowler for AWS and kube-bench for Kubernetes installations. For more continuous detection, take a look at cloud platforms such as AWS Config Rules among other commercial services.
For some time now we've recommended increased delivery team ownership of their entire stack, including infrastructure. This means increased responsibility in the delivery team itself for configuring infrastructure in a safe, secure, and compliant way. When adopting cloud strategies, most organizations default to a tightly locked-down and centrally managed configuration to reduce risk, but this also creates substantial productivity bottlenecks. An alternative approach is to allow teams to manage their own configuration, and use an Infrastructure configuration scanner to ensure the configuration is set in a safe and secure way. Watchmen is an interesting tool, built to provide rule-driven assurance of AWS account configurations that are owned and operated independently by delivery teams. Scout2 is another example of configuration scanning to support secure compliance.
For some time now we've recommended increased delivery team ownership of their entire stack, including infrastructure. This means increased responsibility in the delivery team itself for configuring infrastructure in a safe, secure, and compliant way. When adopting cloud strategies, most organizations default to a tightly locked-down and centrally managed configuration to reduce risk, but this also creates substantial productivity bottlenecks. An alternative approach is to allow teams to manage their own configuration, and use an Infrastructure configuration scanner to ensure the configuration is set in a safe and secure way. Watchmen is an interesting tool, built to provide rule-driven assurance of AWS account configurations that are owned and operated independently by delivery teams. Scout2 is another example of configuration scanning to support secure compliance.