One of the ultimate goals of a platform should be to reduce ticket-based processes to an absolute minimum, as they create queues in the value stream. Sadly, we still see organizations not pushing forcefully enough toward this important goal, resulting in a ticket-driven platform operating model. This is particularly frustrating when ticket-based processes are put in front of platforms that are built on top of the self-service and API-driven features of public cloud vendors. It's hard and not necessary to achieve self-service with very few tickets right from the start, but it needs to be the destination.
Over-reliance on bureaucracy and lack of trust are among the causes of this reluctance to move away from ticket-based processes. Baking more automated checks and alerts into your platform is one way to help cut the cord from approval processes with tickets. For example, provide teams with visibility into their run costs and put in automated guardrails to avoid accidental explosion of costs. Implement security policy as code and use configuration scanners or analyzers like Recommender to help teams do the right thing.