Big Data Analytics must focus on insight and action. During my recent talk at TWLive13 Europe, I focused on the primary risks in applying traditional BI approaches to Big Data projects instead of focusing on the business value. I also discussed recent client success stories, such as helping a language immersion program find out why customers weren't activating their accounts, using our lean learning approach.
By asking the right questions, you will be led to the right data that actually makes a difference in your business.
Here are the types of questions we frequently help clients answer:
Why are our customers leaving us?
What is the value of a 'tweet' or a 'like'?
What products are our customers most likely to buy?
What is the best way to communicate with our customers?
Are our investments in customer service paying off?
What is the optimal price for my product right now?
At the end of the day, the value of data is only realized through insight. You need to get past your corporate myths and detect the signal hidden from within all the noise.
And insight is useless until it's turned into action.
Watch my talk and let me know the types of questions you want answered from your data.
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