Streamlit is an open-source application framework in Python used by data scientists for building interactive data applications. Tuning machine-learning models takes time; instead of going back and forth on the main application (the one that uses these models), we've found value in quickly building standalone prototypes in Streamlit and gathering feedback during experimentation cycles. Streamlit stands out from competitors such as Dash because of its focus on rapid prototyping and support for a wide range of visualization libraries, including Plotly and Bokeh. We're using it in a few projects and like how we can put together interactive visualizations with very little effort.
Streamlit is an open-source application framework in Python used by data scientists for building good-looking data visualization applications. Streamlit stands out from competitors such as Dash with its focus on rapid prototyping and support for a wide range of visualization libraries, including Plotly and Bokeh. For data scientists who need quick showcases during the experimentation cycle, Streamlit is a solid choice. We're using it in a few projects and like how we can put together interactive visualizations with very little effort.