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Última actualización : Nov 14, 2018
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Nov 2018
Trial ?

TICK Stack is a collection of open source components that combine to deliver a platform for easily storing, visualizing and monitoring time series data such as metrics and events. The components are: Telegraf, a server agent for collecting and reporting metrics; InfluxDB, a high-performance time series database; Chronograf, a user interface for the platform; and Kapacitor, a data-processing engine that can process, stream and batch data from InfluxDB. Unlike Prometheus, which is based on the pull model, TICK Stack is based on the push model of collecting data. The heart of the system is the InfluxDB component, which is one of the best time series databases. The stack is backed by InfluxData and although you need the enterprise version for features such as database clustering, it's still a fairly good choice for monitoring. We're using it in a few places in production and have had good experiences with it.

May 2018
Assess ?

TICK Stack is a platform composed of open source components which makes collection, storage, graphing and alerting on-time series data such as metrics and events easy. The components of the TICK Stack are: Telegraf, a server agent for collecting and reporting metrics; InfluxDB, a high-performance time series database; Chronograf, a user interface for the platform; and Kapacitor, a data-processing engine that can process, stream and batch data from InfluxDB. Unlike Prometheus, which is based on the Pull model, the TICK Stack is based on the Push model of collecting data. The heart of the system is the InfluxDB component which is one of the best time series databases. This stack is backed by InfluxData and needs the enterprise version for features such as DB clustering, but it’s still a fairly good choice for monitoring. We’re using it in a few places in production and have had good experiences with it.

Publicado : May 15, 2018

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