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Última actualización : Jul 30, 2011
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Jul 2011
Data visualizations have been effective in business and IT decision making. Organizations are making effective use of real time data through visualizations. These visualizations include point in time data as well as trends plotted over time. We are seeing increased adoption of these techniques in optimizing operations and software development.
Jan 2011
Evolutionary and emergent design of enterprise systems requires significant vigilance by development and architecture teams. Collecting metrics to capture development trends is a key part of understanding the stress points for a system under development. Assessing this information in its raw form is even more difficult than taking stock of a system at the source code level. To address this concern we have found a number of visualization tools and techniques to get what we refer to as the 1000ft view of the system and its internal quality. This 1000ft view allows us to identify visual patterns that help find and address issues more quickly.
Aug 2010
Apr 2010
Jan 2010
Publicado : Jan 11, 2010