Muchos de nuestros equipos eligen CircleCI para sus necesidades de integración continua y aprecian su capacidad para ejecutar pipelines complejas de manera eficiente. Los desarrolladores de CircleCI continúan agregando nuevas funcionalidades con CircleCI, ahora en la versión 3.0. Orbs y executors fueron llamados por nuestros equipos como particularmente útiles. Los Orbs son fragmentos de código reutilizables que automatizan procesos repetidos, aceleran la configuración de proyectos y facilitan la integración con herramientas de terceros. La amplia variedad de tipos de ejecutores brinda flexibilidad para configurar trabajos en máquinas virtuales en Docker, Linux, macOS o Windows.
CircleCI is a continuous integration engine offered as SaaS and on premise. CircleCI has been the go-to SaaS CI tool for many of our development teams, who needed a low-friction and easy-to-setup build and deployment pipeline. CircleCI version 2.0 supports workflows of build jobs, with fan-in and fan-out flows and manual gates, as well as mobile development. It allows developers to run the pipelines locally and easily integrates with Slack and other notification and alerting systems. We recommend you take a closer look at the security practices of CircleCI, just as you would with any other SaaS product that hosts your company’s assets.
CircleCI is a continuous integration engine offered as SaaS and on premise. CircleCI has been the go-to SaaS CI tool for many of our development teams, who needed a low-friction and easy-to-setup build and deployment pipeline. CircleCI version 2.0 supports workflows of build jobs, with fan-in and fan-out flows and manual gates, as well as mobile development. It allows developers to run the pipelines locally and easily integrates with Slack and other notification and alerting systems. We recommend you take a closer look at the security practices of CircleCI, just as you would with any other SaaS product that hosts your company’s assets.