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Última actualización : Oct 28, 2020
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Oct 2020
Trial ?

Yarn sigue siendo el gestor de paquetes elegido por muchos equipos. Estamos emocionados por Yarn 2, una nueva versión mayor de la herramienta que trae una larga lista de cambios y mejoras. Además de los ajustes de usabilidad y mejoras en el apartado de los espacios de trabajo, Yarn 2 presenta el concepto de “cero instalaciones”, que permite a las personas desarrolladoras ejecutar un proyecto directamente después de clonarlo. Sin embargo, Yarn 2 incluye algunos cambios de importancia que hacen de la actualización una tarea no trivial. También, recurre por defecto a los entornos plug'n'play (PnP) y al mismo tiempo no soporta React Native en entornos PnP. Por supuesto que los equipos pueden optar por no utilizar PnP o mantenerse en Yarn 1. Sin embargo, deben tener en cuenta que Yarn 1 está ahora en modo de mantenimiento.

May 2018
Trial ?

Yarn is a fast, reliable and secured package manager for JavaScript. Using a lock file and a deterministic algorithm, Yarn is able to guarantee that an installation that worked on one system will work exactly the same way on any other system. By efficiently queuing up requests, Yarn maximizes network utilization and as a result we’ve seen faster package downloads. Yarn continues to be our tool of choice for JavaScript package management in spite of the latest improvements in npm (version 5).

Nov 2017
Assess ?

Yarn is a new package manager that replaces the existing workflow for the npm client while remaining compatible with the npm registry. With the npm client, we may end up with a different tree structure under node_modules based on the order that dependencies are installed. This nondeterministic nature can cause "works on my machine" problems. By breaking the installation steps into resolution, fetching and linking, Yarn avoids these issues using deterministic algorithms and lockfiles and thus guarantees repeatable installations. We've also seen significantly faster builds in our continuous integration (CI) environment because of Yarn caching all the packages it downloads.

Mar 2017
Assess ?

Yarn is a new package manager that replaces the existing workflow for the npm client while remaining compatible with the npm registry. With the npm client, we may end up with a different tree structure under node_modules based on the order that dependencies are installed. This nondeterministic nature can cause "works on my machine" problems. By breaking the installation steps into resolution, fetching and linking, Yarn avoids these issues using deterministic algorithms and lockfiles and thus guarantees repeatable installations. We've also seen significantly faster builds in our continuous integration (CI) environment because of Yarn caching all the packages it downloads.

Publicado : Mar 29, 2017

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