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Última actualización : Nov 07, 2016
Este blip no está en la edición actual del Radar. Si ha aparecido en una de las últimas ediciones, es probable que siga siendo relevante. Si es más antiguo, es posible que ya no sea relevante y que nuestra valoración sea diferente hoy en día. Desgraciadamente, no tenemos el ancho de banda necesario para revisar continuamente los anuncios de ediciones anteriores del Radar. Entender más
Nov 2016
Adopt ?

We remain excited about Docker as it evolves from a tool to a complex platform of technologies. Development teams love Docker, as the Docker image format makes it easier to achieve parity between development and production, making for reliable deployments. It is a natural fit in a microservices-style application as a packaging mechanism for self-contained services. On the operational front, Docker support in monitoring tools (Sensu, Prometheus, cAdvisor, etc.), orchestration tools (Kubernetes, Marathon, etc.) and deployment-automation tools reflect the growing maturity of the platform and its readiness for production use. A word of caution, though: There is a prevalent view of Docker and Linux containers in general as being "lightweight virtualization," but we would not recommend using Docker as a secure process-isolation mechanism, though we are paying attention to the introduction of user namespaces and seccomp profiles in version 1.10 in this regard.

Apr 2016
Adopt ?
Jan 2015
Trial ?

Since our last radar, Docker has hit 1.0 and has been declared production ready by the authors. During this same period we have seen an explosion of tools based on Docker. We now have PAAS solutions in the form of Deis, cluster management in CoreOS and Kubernetes, and Microsoft, GoogleAWS and a host of smaller players are offering or will shortly offer Docker hosting. Microsoft is even looking to support Docker in their next version of Windows Server. Aside from all this change, Docker is being used in anger now by many people, for dev & test and for production loads. We fully expect to see a large pace of change in the Docker ecosystem over the next year, and strongly suggest you take a look at what Docker could offer your own organisation.

Jul 2014
Trial ?
Docker continues to gain momentum, and is seeing use on projects although mostly in non-production environments. Docker provides a set of tools to efficiently package and distribute executable machine images, which can then be launched as lightweight containers. A considerable community is growing around the tool. Notable is CoreOS which is an operating system based on ChromeOS built for deploying Docker containers across a cluster with tools for deployment, service discovery and configuration.
Jan 2014
Assess ?
The Docker open-source project has generated a great deal of interest within Thoughtworks, and is growing in momentum and maturity. Docker allows applications to be packaged and published as portable lightweight containers that run identically on a laptop or a production cluster. It provides tooling for the creation and management of application containers, and a run-time environment based on LXC (LinuX Containers).
Publicado : Jan 28, 2014

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