Using Pipelines to Manage Environments with Infrastructure as Code
- aggregate: - put: dev-container params: << : *docker-params build: git dockerfile: git/ - put: serverspec-container params: << : *docker-params build: git/serverspec dockerfile: git/serverspec/Dockerfile.serverspec
FROM node:10.11-stretch ENV CONCOURSE_SHA1='f397d4f516c0bd7e1c854ff6ea6d0b5bf9683750' CONCOURSE_VERSION='3.14.1' HADOLINT_VERSION='v1.10.4' HADOLINT_SHA256='66815d142f0ed9b0ea1120e6d27142283116bf26' SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends sudo curl shellcheck && curl -Lk "${CONCOURSE_VERSION}/fly_linux_amd64" -o /usr/bin/fly && echo "${CONCOURSE_SHA1} /usr/bin/fly" | sha1sum -c - && chmod +x /usr/bin/fly && curl -Lk "${HADOLINT_VERSION}/hadolint-Linux-x86_64" -o /usr/bin/hadolint && echo "${HADOLINT_SHA256} /usr/bin/hadolint" | sha1sum -c - && chmod +x /usr/bin/hadolint && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
require_relative 'spec_helper' describe 'dev-container' do describe 'node' do describe file('/usr/local/bin/node') do it { be_executable } end [ [:node, /10.4.1/], [:npm, /6.1.0/] ].each do |executable, version| describe command("#{executable} -v") do its(:stdout) { match(version) } end end describe command('npm doctor') do its(:exit_status) { eq 0 } end end describe 'shell' do %i[shellcheck].each do |executable| describe file("/usr/bin/#{executable}") do it { be_executable } end end end end
platform: linux inputs: - name: git run: path: bash dir: git/serverspec args: - -c - ./ ./run
platform: linux inputs: - name: git caches: - path: git/node_modules run: path: sh dir: git args: - -exc - | npm i ./go linter-${TARGET}
- task: lint-sh image: dev-container params: << : *common-params TARGET: sh file: git/pipeline/tasks/linter.yml
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