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Última actualización : Jan 28, 2014
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Jan 2014
Micro-frameworks are emerging as a way to handle increasing complexity in applications both on client- and server-side. Sinatra was one of the first examples of that trend in the server-side space, exposing a lightweight DSL to build fast services that can be easily composed. Similar offerings are available for other languages, including Spark for Java, Flask for Python, Sclatra for Scala, Compojure for Clojure and Nancy for .NET.
May 2013
Oct 2012
Micro-frameworks are emerging as a way to handle increasing complexity in applications both on client- and server-side. Sinatra was one of the early precursors of that trend in server-side space, exposing a lightweight DSL to build fast services that can be easily composed. Flask, Scalatra and Compojure are similar offerings for Python, Scala and Clojure respectively.
Publicado : Oct 22, 2012