Los sistemas de gestión de contenidos headless se han vuelto un componente habitual de las plataformas digitales. Contentful aún es nuestra alternativa por defecto en este espacio, pero nuevos sistemas como Strapi también nos han impresionado. Particularmente, nos gusta el enfoque API-first de Contentful y la implementación de CMS como código. Es compatible con primitivas potentes de modelado de contenidos como código y scripts de evolución de modelo de contenidos, lo cual permite tratarlo como otros esquemas de almacenamiento de datos y habilita las prácticas de diseño evolutivo de bases de datos que deben aplicarse en el desarrollo de CMS. Recientemente, Contentful ha publicado un framework de aplicación para escribir aplicaciones que faciliten la adaptación de Contentful a procesos empresariales individuales y la integración con otros servicios. Las aplicaciones se pueden compilar por y para una organización concreta, pero también está surgiendo un sitio de mercado para apps.
Headless content management systems (CMSes) are becoming a common component of digital platforms. Contentful is a modern headless CMS that our teams have successfully integrated into their development workflows. We particularly like its API-first approach and implementation of CMS as code. It supports powerful content modeling primitives as code and content model evolution scripts, which allow it to be treated like other data store schemas and enable evolutionary database design practices to be applied to CMS development. Its robustness and a stream of new features, including a sandbox environment, have impressed our teams further and made Contentful our default choice in this space.
Headless content management systems (CMSes) are becoming a common component of digital platforms. Contentful is a modern headless CMS that our teams have successfully integrated into their development workflows. We particularly like its API-first approach and implementing CMS as code. It supports powerful content modeling primitives as code and content model evolution scripts, which allow treating it as other data store schemas and applying evolutionary database design practices to CMS development. Other notable features that we've liked include inclusion of two CDNs to deliver media assets and JSON documents, good support for localization and the ability—albeit with some effort—to integrate with Auth0.
Headless Content Management Systems (CMSes) are becoming a common component of digital platforms. Contentful is a modern headless CMS that our teams have successfully integrated into their development workflows. We particularly like its API-first approach and implementing CMS as Code. It supports powerful content modelling primitives as code and content model evolution scripts, which allow treating it as other data store schemas and applying evolutionary database design practices to CMS development. Other notable features that we’ve liked include inclusion of two CDNs by default to deliver media assets and JSON documents, good support for localization, and the ability — albeit with some effort — to integrate with Auth0.