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Publicado : Nov 07, 2016
Este blip no está en la edición actual del Radar. Si ha aparecido en una de las últimas ediciones, es probable que siga siendo relevante. Si es más antiguo, es posible que ya no sea relevante y que nuestra valoración sea diferente hoy en día. Desgraciadamente, no tenemos el ancho de banda necesario para revisar continuamente los anuncios de ediciones anteriores del Radar.
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Nov 2016
In the HoloLens, Microsoft has delivered the first truly usable AR headset. Not only is it a beautiful piece of industrial design and an eminently comfortable device to wear, but it also clearly demonstrates the promise of AR for the enterprise via its gorgeous optics and deep Windows 10 integration. We expect HoloLens to be the first AR platform on which we deliver substantial application functionality to our clients in the near term, and we look forward to its evolution as it gains broader traction.