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Última actualización : Nov 10, 2015
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Nov 2015
The SPDY protocol was developed by Google from 2009 as an experiment to provide an alternative protocol to address performance shortcomings of HTTP/1.1. The new HTTP/2 standard protocol includes many of the key performance features of SPDY, and Google has announced it will drop browser SPDY support in early 2016. If your application requires the features of SPDY, we recommend you look instead at HTTP/2.
May 2015
Jul 2014
SPDY is an open networking protocol for low-latency transport of web content proposed for HTTP 2.0 that has seen a rise in modern browser support. SPDY reduces page load time by prioritizing the transfer of subresources so that only one connection is required per client. Transport layer security is used in SPDY implementations with the transmission headers gzip or deflate compressed instead of human-readable text as in HTTP. It is great for high-latency environments.
Jan 2014
Publicado : Jan 28, 2014