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Kong API Gateway

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Atualizado em : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
Experimente ?

Kong is an open source API gateway which also comes as an enterprise product integrating with proprietary API analytics and a developer portal. Kong can be deployed, in a variety of configurations, as an edge API gateway, as an internal API proxy, or even as a sidecar in a service mesh configuration. OpenResty, through its Nginx modules, provides a strong and performant foundation, with Lua plugins for extensions. Kong can either use PostgreSQL for single-region deployments or Cassandra for multiregion configurations. Our developers have enjoyed Kong's high performance, its API-first approach (which enables automation of its configuration) and its ease of deployment as a container. Kong API Gateway , unlike overambitious API gateways, has a smaller set of features but it implements the essential set of API gateway capabilities such as traffic control, security, logging, monitoring and authentication.

Nov 2017
Avalie ?

Kong is an open source API gateway built and sponsored by Mashape, who also provide an enterprise offering integrating Kong with their proprietary API analytics and developer portal tools. They can be deployed in a variety of configurations, as an edge API gateway or an internal API proxy. OpenResty, through its Nginx modules, provides a strong and performant foundation, with Lua plugins for extensions. Kong can either use PostgreSQL for single region deployments or Cassandra for multiregion configurations. Our developers have enjoyed Kong's high performance, its API-first approach (which enables automation of its configuration) and its ease of deployment as a container. Kong API Gateway , unlike overambitious API gateways, has a smaller set of features but it implements the essential set of API gateway capabilities such as traffic control, security, logging, monitoring and authentication. We're excited to assess Kong in a sidecar configuration in the near future.

Publicado : Nov 30, 2017

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