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Atualizado em : Mar 16, 2012
Este blip não está na edição atual do Radar. Se esteve em uma das últimas edições, é provável que ainda seja relevante. Se o blip for mais antigo, pode não ser mais relevante e nossa avaliação pode ser diferente hoje. Infelizmente, não conseguimos revisar continuamente todos os blips de edições anteriores do Radar. Saiba mais
Mar 2012
Adopt ?
While HTML5 is an evolving standard, many elements have reached the stage where they can be safely used in production to create both on and offline mobile web applications. Based on our projects we think HTML5 is ready to be adopted for mobile web applications. As the standard continues to evolve we expect HTML5 will become an increasingly viable alternative to native applications with the distinct advantage of being inherently cross platform.
Jul 2011
Adopt ?
Jan 2011
Trial ?
HTML 5 continues to be the preferred choice for developing complex Web-based applications, with features including improved integration of rich audio and video content, clientside storage, better document structure, Web sockets and offline use. Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Opera each support significant subsets of the proposed standards, with support coming in Internet Explorer 9. HTML 5 is likely to remain in draft for some time to come, however; early adopters may wish to reflect on the bleakly comedic saga of two separate groups attempting to drive its evolution.
Aug 2010
Assess ?
Apr 2010
Assess ?
HTML 5 offers a large number of improvements over HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0. Many of these improvements are focused on providing support for developing complex web applications, and improving integration of rich content such as audio and video in standard ways. Features such as client-side storage, web sockets and offline use will further establish the position of the web browser as a viable enterprise application platform.
Jan 2010
Assess ?
This platform was included in this edition of the Radar for visibility. We felt that there wasn't anything substantial to add to the discourse around it, but that it was important to keep this in view.
Publicado : Jan 11, 2010

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