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Atualizado em : Jan 28, 2015
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Jan 2015
Q is a fully Promises/A+ compliant implementation in JavaScript that lets users compose promises arbitrarily deeply without the need for the deeply nested callbacks that obscure control flow. Q takes care of threading fulfilled values and rejected promises through the appropriate code paths. The space of Promises/A+ compliant libraries is currently very active with alternatives like Bluebird also rapidly gaining mindshare.
Jul 2014
Q is a fully Promises/A+ compliant implementation in JavaScript that lets users compose promises arbitrarily deeply without the need for the deeply nested callbacks that obscure control flow. Q takes care of threading fulfilled values and rejected promises through the appropriate code paths. The space of Promises/A+ compliant libraries is currently very active with alternatives like Bluebird also rapidly gaining mindshare.
Publicado : Jul 08, 2014