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Atualizado em : Mar 29, 2017
Este blip não está na edição atual do Radar. Se esteve em uma das últimas edições, é provável que ainda seja relevante. Se o blip for mais antigo, pode não ser mais relevante e nossa avaliação pode ser diferente hoje. Infelizmente, não conseguimos revisar continuamente todos os blips de edições anteriores do Radar. Saiba mais
Mar 2017
Assess ?

Amazon API Gateway enables developers to expose API services to Internet clients. It offers the usual API gateway features including traffic management, monitoring, authentication and authorization. Our teams have had positive experiences using this service to front AWS Lambda as part of serverless architectures. On the other hand, we have had more challenges using it as a more general purpose gateway to front HTTP/HTTPS endpoints running on EC2—where we have been stymied by a lack of interoperability with VPCs and difficulty in establishing client cert authentication with the gateway. Due to this mixed experience, we would like to advise teams to trial using AWS API Gateway with Lambda but assess suitability when using it in a more general setting.

Nov 2016
Assess ?

Amazon API Gateway is Amazon's offering enabling developers to expose API services to Internet clients. It offers the usual API gateway features like traffic management, monitoring, authentication and authorization. Our teams have been using this service to front other AWS capabilities like AWS Lambda as part of serverless architectures. We continue to monitor for the challenges presented by overambitious API gateways, but at this stage Amazon's offering appears to be lightweight enough to avoid those problems.

Apr 2016
Assess ?

Amazon API Gateway is Amazon's offering enabling developers to expose API services to Internet clients, offering the usual API gateway features like traffic management, monitoring, authentication and authorization. Our teams have been using this service to front other AWS capabilities like AWS Lambda as part of serverless architectures. We continue to monitor for the challenges presented by overambitious API gateways, but at this stage Amazon's offering appears to be lightweight enough to avoid those problems.

Publicado : Apr 05, 2016

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