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Atualizado em : Jan 28, 2014
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Jan 2014
Graph databases store information as arbitrarily interconnected nodes linked by named relations, rather than as tables and joins. Schema-less and highly extensible, they are an excellent choice for modelling semi-structured data in complex domains. Neo4j is the front-runner in the space both its REST API and its Cypher query language support simple and fast storage and traversal of graphs.
May 2013
Oct 2012
Aug 2010
Graph databases store information as interconnected nodes with arbitrary relations rather than tables and nameless relations. Graph databases are an excellent choice for complex domains with semi-structured data since they’re schema-less and highly extensible. Neo4j is the front-runner in the graph database space being an embedded Java component, which supports fast storage and search of graphs for Java solutions (including server applications). The Neo4j community is highly active and now has a basic REST API enabling it as more general purpose database engine. Neo4j moving into the trial category is representative of our experience trialling it in real-world scenarios and the early successes we’ve achieved.
Apr 2010
Publicado : Apr 29, 2010