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Atualizado em : Jan 28, 2015
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Jan 2015
With the proliferation of complex JavaScript websites and applications, we are finding that browser-side issues such as slow network calls, poor render times, and JavaScript errors can have a big impact on user experience. Server-side monitoring clearly does not help in these scenarios and often these types of issues are being missed. Front end instrumentation extends the types of monitoring we are used to with server-side code to the browser, allowing for early warning of potential issues and far easier diagnosis should production issues occur.
Jul 2014
With the proliferation of single-page JavaScript applications, we have found that slow Ajax calls, excessive DOM manipulation, and unexpected JavaScript errors in the browser can have a big impact on perceived website responsiveness. It is very useful to collect and aggregate this profiling information from real end-users' browsers. Real user monitoring provides early warning and diagnosis of production issues, and helps pinpoint them to a specific locality.
Publicado : Jul 08, 2014