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Atualizado em : Jan 28, 2015
Este blip não está na edição atual do Radar. Se esteve em uma das últimas edições, é provável que ainda seja relevante. Se o blip for mais antigo, pode não ser mais relevante e nossa avaliação pode ser diferente hoje. Infelizmente, não conseguimos revisar continuamente todos os blips de edições anteriores do Radar.
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Jan 2015
A Microservice architecture by its very nature increases significantly the number of applications, services, and interactions in your deployed environments. Our projects are showing renewed focus on building Humane Registries which aggregate information about running services from the live environment and present it in a form for humans to comprehend. These registries favor up-to-date information from running services instead of human-curated documentation.
Jul 2014
A Microservice architecture by its very nature increases significantly the number of applications, services, and interactions in your deployed environments. Our projects are showing renewed focus on building Humane Registries which aggregate information about running services from the live environment and present it in a form for humans to comprehend. These registries favor up-to-date information from running services instead of human-curated documentation.
Publicado : Jul 08, 2014