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Atualizado em : Jan 28, 2014
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Jan 2014
Managing the web of dependencies in a distributed system is complicated, and is a problem more people are facing with the move to finer-grained microservices. Hystrix is a library for the JVM from Netflix that implements patterns for dealing with downstream failure, offers real-time monitoring of connections, and caching and batching mechanisms to make inter-service dependencies more efficient. In combination with hystrix-dashboard and Turbine, this tool can be used to build more resilient systems and provide near-real time data on throughput, latency and fault tolerance.
May 2013
Managing dependencies in distributed systems can become complicated, and is a problem more people are facing with the move to finer-grained micro services. Hystrix is a library for the JVM from Netflix that implements patterns for dealing with downstream failure, offers real-time monitoring of connections,and caching and batching mechanisms to make inter-servicedependencies more efficient.
Publicado : May 22, 2013