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Atualizado em : Oct 23, 2024
Oct 2024
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Acreditamos que as organizações devem adotar práticas de implantação contínua sempre que possível. Implantação contínua é a prática de implantar automaticamente em produção todas as mudanças que passam nos testes automatizados. Essa prática é um facilitador chave para ciclos de feedback rápidos e permite que as organizações entreguem valor às clientes de forma mais rápida e eficiente. A entrega contínua difere da implantação contínua no sentido de que apenas requer que o código possa ser implantado a qualquer momento, já que não exige que cada mudança realmente seja implantada em produção. Hesitamos em mover a implantação contínua para o anel de Adoção no passado, pois é uma prática que requer um alto nível de maturidade em outras áreas de entrega de software e, portanto, não é apropriada para todas as equipes. No entanto, o recente livro da Thoughtworker Valentina Servile, Continuous Deployment, fornece um guia abrangente para implementar a prática em uma organização. Ele oferece um roteiro para as organizações seguirem a fim de alcançar o nível de maturidade necessário para adotar práticas de implantação contínua.

Jul 2011
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If you are wondering “What comes after agile?,” you should look towards continuous delivery. While your development processes may be fully optimized, it still might take your organization weeks or months to get a single change into production. Continuous delivery focuses on maximizing automation including infrastructure as code, environment management and deployment automation to ensure your system is always ready for production. It is about tightening your feedback loops and not putting off anything until the end. Continuous delivery is not the same as continuous deployment, which means deploying every change to production. Continuous delivery is not a cowboy show. It puts you in charge of your production environment. The business can pick and choose what and when to deploy. If you think you’ve nailed agile development, but aren’t considering how to achieve continuous delivery, you really haven’t even started.
Jan 2011
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The past 2 years or more has seen a proliferation of continuous integration tools and platforms leading to substantial innovation in the build and release space. Distribution of builds is one such innovation and yet another is the way in which builds are now structured to make greater use of automation in various stages of the build. Build pipelines help to provide greater insight into the quality of each build and the environments to which they have been deployed. A natural expansion of the build pipeline meme is the adoption of continuous deployment techniques, where the intention is to extend the build pipeline into the production environment. This relies on automated deployment techniques and authorization mechanisms built into the continuous integration toolset. One of the key benefits is the ability to move new functionality into production rapidly and reliably.
Aug 2010
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Apr 2010
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Jan 2010
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Publicado : Jan 11, 2010

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